Tuesday, September 12, 2006

*Let's bargain at Ladie's Market

Maybe it is because there are lots of French people here, and because I would like to improve my English...because here, the French are the people whose English is the worst (including me)... I will continue in English...

I just met M. Arthur on msn...so , among lots of things we talked about Ladies Market...

"How could you bargain ? You are too nice !!!", asked me M. Arthur...mouais...

In fact, I was very lucky ! The second time I went to Ladies Market, it was with AT...in fact, I did not want to buy anything, I just wanted to know the prices and compare them.

Remembering how hot it was in France last July, I looked at the fans and asked about the prices. The lady answered : "10 HK$" (1 euro).
OK, I nodded. Now I know how much a fan is. But the lady saw I was not decided to buy any fan...so she went on : "But for you, I will make a special price : 5 HK$ (0.50 euro)" (in fact, everybody here say that just for you, they will make a special price...)
I was not willing to bargain just for fun, because anyway, I did not want to buy anything...so I went away...and the lady said "1 dollar !"

Woua !!! She was willing to sell me the fan at 10 % of the beginning price !!!
So, OK ! Now I know that I MUST bargain here ! I have to dare to bargain ! AS, an American boy I met here told me he doesn't see why he should bargain, because for him, prices are already cheap here ! But when you are a student, you are not so wealthy...so if in Ladies Market, bargaining is a game, so let's play !

I was looking for a handbag...I saw a very nice one, in leather, without any brand name (even without any prosecution, I would not buy fake things...because, after one semester of Industrial Property courses, you just CAN NOT buy fake things...it would be like stealing people...). So, I asked about the price : 280 HK$ (28 euros). Waou !!! So expensive for a bag in Ladies Market ! The lady saw my disappointed face...OK ! What price do you want ?
I did not dare to say my price...but she gave me the calculator (when you cannot speak Cantonese, and the seller cannot speak English a lot, it is very useful ! )...I tried a shy 150 HK$ (15 euros)...
- But ! It is so cheap, said the astonished lady !!!
- Yes, but I have no money left ! But I can go to the ATM machine and take some money and come back later ! (because this time, I did want that bag !)
As I was not lying, the lady finally accepted my price...
But....but...in fact, I had only 60 HK$ (6 euros) in my purse... oups ! I repeted that I can still go to the ATM machine...so the lady who is a very good seller, like every seller here, asked AT : "Hey, you can help your friend and lend her some money ! Be nice ! She wants that bag ! Help her ! She is your friend !"
AT only had 70 HK$ (7 euros) in her purse...oups !
I repeted : We can come back later...
But the lady accepted to sell me the bag for...all the money AT and me had, hence 60+70= 130 HK$ (13 euros) !!!! WOUA !!! And the beginning price was 280 HK$ (28 euros)!!! Very good price !

Astonished but happy, AT and I went back home !

OK ! So next time ! Let's bargain !

NB :
- To bargain, ask at least half the price asked by the seller ! As my mum said, if they can still make profit with your purchase, they will sell you their stuff !
- Always ask for a lower price than the one you are willing to pay. Then you will arise this minimum price ; for you it will not change anything, but for the sellet it will : that means that you are willing to make effort and give him more money for the same purchase. (Thanks the bargaining courses...even if I was among the worst students in that course...)
- At last, to make the seller agree with your price, pretend to go away...if the seller can still accept your price, he will just say "OK", like the fan lady !
- Once the price is decided by both parts, do not change your mind, it would not be fair to the seller... Do not become disappointed either if you feel you could have asked for a better price...Because next time, you will do better !
- And last but not least, DARE to bargain ! If I could manage to bargain, you also can ! Bargaining is not deceiving people, it is a game ! ( And think of all the other trips or drinks you will afford yourself in Lan Kwai Fong !) Because the best bargain is when both the seller and the customer are happy !!!

Enjoy !


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