Sunday, December 17, 2006

*Looking for an internship, suits and business cards

ISTM students, you may want to do your mission de fin d'études or internship in Hong Kong.

So how to look for an internship ?

1) with ISTM : Roselyne will send you the offers ISTM has. Anyway, I strongly advise you to check your ISTM e-mail box.

2) by yourself, via internet.

3) with CityU. Go to the Career Center (Amenities Building, in the way of the swimming pool). They organize many worskshops, but unfortunately, it is in Cantonese (but there are still few in English).

Also contact Winnie KWAN, from the faculty of Science and Engineering. She is very helpful and effective :
Phone number : 2194 2348

One of the other French people here (from Université de Technologie de Troyes ou Compiègne) from the same department as me (Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management) got an internship in Hong Kong. I am not sure, but I think he will stay in the student residence, because for his internship, he has a kind of internship course, hence a tutor in CityU. This way of doing is very very interesting, either for the visa (you still have a student visa, which is very convenient ! ), or for the facilities (living in the student residence is a very very good deal in Hong Kong !). I guess you will have to pay the tuition fees for the course, but it is still a very good deal to do that !

Last but not least, prepare your résumé (Curriculum Vitae) in English and when you arrive in Hong Kong, get business cards and suits done !

Address for business cards (the only address I found, but I know you can get yours in Wan Chain or Central) :

2505, Fook Yip Building
53-57 Kwai Fong Crescent
Kwai Fong, Hong Kong

MTR Kwai Fong, exit C

Phone : 2968 0000

You will get 300 business cards for 160 HK$ (16 euros)

Address for suits :
In Hong Kong (I have never been over there, but I was told it is fine, and you can get discount for your CityU Identity card)

Men's High Fashion
Shop 27
1/F shop 07
Hollywood Shopping CTR
Sai Yeung Choi Street
Kowloon, Hong Kong

MTR Mongkok

Tel : 2771 0978

You can also go to Shenzhen (KCR station Lo Wu).
It is cheaper (I got a 2 pieces suit : jacket and pants for 450 RMB = 450 HK$ = 45 euros).
But you have to get first a visa for Mainland China (see the post of October 25th).


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