Wednesday, January 24, 2007

To conclude

Back in France.

First days in France : I was tired because of the time shift... but also very puzzled... so weird what you feel after a long stay abroad... a mix between being very happy to be back in your home country, sad because the adventure is over... but finally so happy about this wonderful experience !!!

Before my departure, Derek told me that I would not be the same person anymore after my stay in Hong Kong... he was right... a new point of view on France, me, my life. More serene... I have grown up in Hong Kong... and I really recommend you to take an exchange program abroad !

So, how was Hong Kong ?
To make your own idea, have a look on the pictures :

First, the City University of Hong Kong :

And yes, this picture was taken inside the campus :)

The first feeling I had at CityU was : "Waou ! it is like a mall! " I really enjoyed the facilities : free access to computers everywhere in the campus, and you can even hire a laptop (for free) for the day if you do not want to bring your own one :) I really felt I was spoilt there !

Another way of studying (there you do not have to attend so many courses, but you are expected to do lots of personal work) , another notion of teamwork...

Even though from time to time, you may really enjoy a Western dinner,

being an exchange student also means experiencing new things (here a party organized by the International and Non-local Student Office of CityU, for the Mid-Autumn Festival, on October 6th)

and new food : Dim Sum, a speciality in Hong Kong.

Or course, tourism : in Hong Kong, the Harbour and the Light Show
or the museums (free entrance on Wednesday !). I recommend the Heritage Museum,

not far from Hong Kong either Tung Ping Chau,
or Lantau Island for hiking, for the Giant Buddha, the Po Lin monastry and the Ngong Ping Village.

Then, Macao :

Mainland China : Jieyang and the so famous Chiuchow cuisine

or Hainan Island

farther, Cambodia (sunrise in Angkor Wat) :

And last but not least, friends from all over the world !